Dreaming About a New Home Space for the New Year?  How to Prepare for a Potential Remodel  |  Bloomington MN Contractor & Remodeler

Dreaming About a New Home Space for the New Year?  How to Prepare for a Potential Remodel  |  Bloomington MN Contractor & Remodeler



If you’ve started the new year by dreaming big about the ways your home can be more organized, have a more efficient traffic flow, or be updated with a look that’s all you, that’s great!  Getting excited about the amazing potential your home has to offer is the perfect starting point.

But dreaming of that new kitchen, bathroom, or finished basement is one thing, and starting the to-do list is another!  To bridge the gap between your ideas and the project actually moving forward means there are a few steps in between you should jump on now as you decide: 1) if and when this remodel is a good fit for you and your home and 2) what you want to communicate to remodelers and contractors when the time comes to sit down with them. Communicating effectively with your potential contractor at the very first meeting or during your first phone call can save you some big headaches down the road and move the project forward efficiently! Here are some tips on what you can do to make that first conversation a breeze:

  • Analyze Your Budget — Though getting an estimate may seem like the place to start, often bringing your budget to the table is a better place to dive in. Having a range for your budget right off that bat (with some flexibility built in) will help your remodeler know which materials are possibilities and which are out of reach, creating a more accurate project plan from the get-go.

  • Dig Out That Measuring Tape — The size of your room will obviously effect the cost of the project. So how big really is that room? Find out! Use your measuring tape to get a rough idea of your room size by measuring each wall, and write it down in a file reserved just for remodeling notes. Having these measurements early will save you an extra call later!

  • Decide What You Want and Need – Be able to effectively describe what you want your new space to look like, particularly the top 3-5 features that you can’t live without. Separate the needs from the wants from the “bonus extras.” Use sites like houzz or pinterest to gather and share visual ideas. And don’t be afraid to ask your contractor or designer what ingenious ideas they might have that may have never occurred to you.

  • Articulate Your Why — Sharing with your remodeler WHY you want to change or update your space may communicate a lot more than you think. Beyond what you want a room to look like, your desire for change can help them suggest and plan aspects of the room you might not have considered. Share that why-factor and you might be pleased with new insight that will help transform your dreams into a practical and beautiful space.

Homecare Inc Remodeling is a remodeling-contractor business in Bloomington MN with 50+ years of experience!  Serving Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, Apple Valley, Richfield, Minneapolis, and the surrounding Twin Cities suburbs.  Dreaming big?  Ready to remodel?  Give us a call, share your ideas, and we’ll walk you through the process to see if this is a good fit for us and you!

